Pre-screening of the candidates

Технології: Other

Програми навчання: IT Recruiter

Ключови факти

It’s first check of candidates experience and information in CV


A pre-screening interview is a series of questions that lets you learn more about a candidate before you conduct a more extensive interview or pass them on to your client. The pre-screening questions ask the candidate more information about their career goals, job preferences, abilities, knowledge, and more. Screeners don’t want someone who's unqualified making it through the pre-screening filter, but they also don’t want to miss a gem merely because she doesn’t have the same ego as her male counterpart. Pre-screening is an important information-gathering tool. When done well, it can help flesh out what’s not on a resume. Sometimes candidates focus so narrowly on the responsibilities listed in a job posting, that they neglect to include other qualifications they have that could put them over the top. Pre-screening also lets the job candidate understand the requirements of the position. Sometimes, it’s the job candidate who decides in a pre-screening interview that he's really not interested in a particular position.


Назва Складність предмету Опис
Prescreening Candidates: What You Need to Know Qualified Prescreening is the process of evaluating the quality of a candidate before interviewing them. The process starts by evaluating the candidates’ application, then moves on to their cover letter, and resume. If the candidate passes these prescreening tests you’ll conduct phone calls, video interviews, and finally an in-person interview. The screening process can save you time, money, resources, and a lot of headaches.

Програми навчання

Назва Опис
IT Recruiter A Technology recruiting is IT or technology recruiting that comprises of sourcing, screening and engaging candidates for an organization